
25 Questions with Penelope Douglas

It's no longer a secret that Penelope is brilliant and her books are some of the best in the romance category, so I ( herearethereaders ) and my friend ( andraasboks ) prepared an interview with this extraordinary human being. We hope you'll enjoy it! :))) Q1: Bully was your first novel. What determined you to write it?  A: I was reading a lot of romance at the time and I discovered New Adult. It was just hitting the scene, books like Beautiful Disaster, Slammed, Easy... and then I read Fallen Crest High by Tijan and I really wanted more books like that, but there weren't any. So I decided to write one. I was in a career where I wasn't especially happy. I didn't feel like I'd found my calling, and so writing Bully on nights and weekends was a labor of love. I felt like I was growing again and moving toward something. It was a great year.  Q2: How did you feel when Bully was published? A: Well, at first I was nervous. My editor suggested ...